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3 yr old, female

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Our precious lil pup, Lady is almost ready to be adopted.  She is about 3 or so years old and weighs 42 pounds.  Lady came to us from a shelter where she was just terrified and scared of everything and everyone.  Our volunteers started spending lots of time with her and helping her learn that people and the world are not so scary.  The first thing we found out is Lady LOVES LOVES LOVES other dogs! Lady finds comfort and security when with them and she enjoyed hanging out with our bonded pair, Paddy & Topher, on her walks.  

In order to help her continue to blossom with us, Lady moved over to Doggie Disneyland where she gets to spend her days in group play with both small and big dogs and her evenings with our trainer.  He has gained Lady’s trust and is guiding her as she makes her baby steps towards being ready to be adopted and he now says that day is coming quickly!  Lady’s trainer will be actively involved in her placement and will meet with potential adopters to answer any questions about Lady and make sure that she is successful in her forever home.  

We are looking for a loving and patient home that has other friendly and confident dogs since she is so happy in the presence of other dogs.  Lady would also like a home where people are home more than not.  She is a lovely girl and she deserves the best!

Adoption information and application, HERE.

Can you spare a few dollars to help offset rising veterinary costs and other expenses? 

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