8.5 mos. old, female
Meet our fun loving girl and smart girl Lucy! She is about 8.5 months old and weighs 29 pounds. Lucy is in a foster home with 2 other dogs and doing really well. Her foster mom has been working VERY hard on her training (see videos) and she is loving the mental stimulation of it! Lucy’s foster mom LOVES training puppies and has taken Lucy to Good Canine Citizen classes where she was the best!!! None of the other dogs were even close. Her foster mom thinks she has the potential to easily become a therapy dog. Lucy is spayed, current on shots and microchipped.
Here are some fun facts about Lucy:
Very smart!
Very easy to train because she is super smart and food motivated
Knows lots of commands already such as, sit, wait, come, etc…
Loves people and dogs
Completely potty-trained
Not a big fan of the crate but does just fine in a confined area. Lucy sleeps through the night in a confined area without any issues.
Lucy would love to go to a home/family with big yard to play and with a dog or dogs to match her energy level
Loves to chase birds, lizards and squirrels
Lucy will need to go to a home with another dog who will be her buddy. Lucy loves learning from the resident dogs in her foster home and most of all she loves snuggling and cuddling with them. It is very comforting for her.
Can you spare a few dollars to help offset rising veterinary costs and other expenses?