Topher & Paddy-ADOPTED!
2yr & 8yr old, males
Meet our very own bonded pair, Topher and Paddy. Paddy is our bigger red boy who is about 2-1/2 years old and weighs 40 pounds. Topher is our smaller pup and is about 8 years old and weighs 22 pounds. Topher and Paddy are in a lovely foster home and are wonderful house guests. They love to hang out with their foster mom and snuggle with her on the couch and in her bed. If you are worried that 2 dogs might be too much work that is definitely NOT the case with these two. They are very easy going and low maintenance. They are also very good when left alone. They really are so easy together and just chill out. Whoever adopts these two pups will have a very full heart as they will give you lots of love!
Can you spare a few dollars to help offset rising veterinary costs and other expenses?